We held a motorcycle event that ended at the local National Guard Building in Newport, SC. The night before the event, SC DOT dug up the last mile or so of asphalt leading to the Armory. This was quite a surprise as I had checked the route on Thursday, and all was fine. We made it through the dirt without incident—Thank goodness!
I had planned a special guest speaker for the event. He was the last local surviving veteran from Pearl Harbor attack. I don’t remember how I got in touch with him, but I had a name and I was not supposed to meet him until the event. His name was L.C Greenwood. I made my announcements and thanked everyone for coming. I then introduced L.C. When L.C. walked into the common area and headed toward me, I could not believe my eyes…. I already knew L. C.—his daughter had worked for me at Hardee’s on Saluda St, in Rock Hill, SC and L. C. was a daily customer. I could barely speak with tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn’t say much after that, it was heart wrenching to understand how small the world can be sometimes. The event was a success and I will never forget him!
The Comporium Pioneers have been such a blessing to me. It has been a wonderful journey that I hope continues for years to come! God Bless America!
Leon Yard