Prior to joining Comporium in June of 2006 I had worked for large corporate banks and accounting firms in Charlotte. The call from Doug Lundell to come interview for a job at Comporium was out of left field, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to look into it. I was tired of the drive to Charlotte and the prospect of have a 10 minute commute was very appealing.
I had no idea how much my life would change for the better after that interview. I found a home at Comporium working with people I could admire and who cared for each other and the community they served. My colleagues are among the hardest working, earnest, honest and caring people I have known. When my brother was diagnosed with cancer shortly after I had begun working for Comporium, Mr. Frank Barnes, Mr. Ed Barnes and Mr. Lad Barnes each individually sought me out to ask after him. I’m quite certain many people who work with me have experienced the same warmth and sense of belonging to something important. Thank you and Happy 125th Anniversary to Comporium!!
Kerri Pierce