Sometimes people come into our lives for a reason we can't explain. A simple touch, a word, or just a smile can change the way we look at things. Several years ago, Cindy Downing and I were on the delivery team for Christmas boxes for those in need. That year was a good year where we had many Comporium employees give donations of food for those in need. Christmas boxes were so full, it was hard to get the lids to stay on them. Pioneers and other employees from Comporium gave from their hearts.
That year we had an abundance of all the items that went into the boxes, plus more to take to one of our local food banks. Rice, Mashed Potatoes, packs of gravy, chicken broth, yams, green beans , corn, peas, corn bread mix, stuffing mix, along with cranberry sauce plus macaroni and cheese all went into the boxes. Normally put in two cans of each item, this time every item was doubled. We also had the Honey Baked Ham gift certificates donated by Comporium employees that paid for a turkey breast and a pie for each box donated. Cindy and I had four families to deliver to that year and our last delivery was in a rural area and it seemed like forever before we found our family. We both got out of the car and went to the door of the house. We knocked several times and were about to leave when all of a sudden the door opened and there stood a young teenager who seemed to be about 14 or 15 years old, she said her mother was at work and would be home in about an hour. We explained that we had a box of food for them for Christmas, we brought the box of food in the house along with the turkey and pie.
She told us she went to Rock Hill High School and she and her mother was at work. In the corner, we noticed a Christmas tree with lights with only one ornament hanging on the tree. The one ornament was one of the Mother Mary and Child. The teenager opened the refrigerator door and asked us if we would like a glass of Kool-Aid drink. When she opened the door to put the turkey and pie in the refrigerator, we saw there was nothing in there but Kool-Aid, and this teenager was going to share what she had with us. No embarrassment and not shellfish moment passed while we were there. Cindy and I talked with her for a few minutes, wished her a Merry Christmas, got a big hug from the young lady and then left. We had a quiet ride home but we both knew we had met our very own angel.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Everyone!
Ann Beck