I began my career with Rock Hill Telephone Company in September 1985. I was the second person to run the automatic insertion machine to stuff telephone and cable tv bills, (just behind Jennie Vaughn). I also ran the Daily Toll Processing. I loaded the big 10.5 inch reel to reel tapes on the drives early every morning. I would then “balance” the reports to be sure the processing and numbers were correct once the data had processed. This was a several hour process to say the least. I eventually relinquished the bill insertion to Associated Data Services, (ADS) a subsidiary of Rock Hill Telephone. Sometime later I also relinquished the toll processing to someone else. I worked the Help Desk for a while as well as other jobs while remaining in the IT Department. Although the department was named other things along the way like, CS, (Computer Systems), CIS, (Corporate Information Systems), IS, (Information Systems), and currently IT, (Information Technology), I have remained in the same department during all the name changes and duties. I am not running the insertion machine now. It is no longer with the company. PCI does our printing and insertion now. I must have come “half circle” with Comporium since I am now running and balancing the Toll Processing again, (without the reel tapes). The processing is much faster now. I am also a part of testing in IT now among other things. I have seen and experienced many changes at Rock Hill Telephone Company / Comporium over the 36 years I have been part of this family.
Terry Johnson