Little Free Library
One of our Pioneers whose wife is a reading recovery teacher with the Fort Mill School system had a great idea of how to provide free books for children who are trying to enhance their reading skills. Mrs White provided the website http://littlefreelibrary and asked that we consider this as one of our projects. Research was done and Pioneers found a model for phone booth libraries. It wouldn’t cost much, there would be a great return and it would fit into our category of “caring and sharing” in our community. First a committee was formed with Bill Geddings and Leon Yard co-chairing the committee. Leon was to find usable materials and Bill was going to start building the libraries, while other committee members would start collecting new and gently used books to go in the library. Pioneers wanted to use equipment that would be telephone connected in the library so they found, cleaned up, and used old payphones as the base for the library. Leon received permission from Comporium to use the six payphones that he had found from around the enterprise for the project. The committee decided to build three libraries in 2015 and put one in each of our three main service areas. The first library would be placed at the Reading Church in the Paradise Community in Fort Mill where the Habitat for Humanity projects has taken place. The second library would be placed in Lancaster at the Connection and the third library would be in Rock Hill at the 1st Assembly Church. Bill donated the first $100.00 to start building the libraries and then purchased the rest of the materials that he needed. His additional invoice for supplies to finish the library; saw blades, screws, hinges, nails, paint and a few other items totaled $61.03. The second library cost $84.45 and the third library cost $54.30 for a grand total of $299.78. Each library was designed a little differently therefore the different amounts for each library. Once Bill finished the library construction, our Comporium Construction department was tasked with placing the libraries in the designated areas. The Marketing Department designed and ordered stickers with the club logo to replace the word phone on each booth. Our little libraries were then registered in the Little Free Library website. Another of the Pioneers, Daniel Barnhardt attached the official Little Free Library Plaque to each of the libraries. Books were collected, sorted, and boxed in addition to the books that were to be placed in each library. Each library location has several boxes in reserve so there will be more books placed in each library several times a year. The official dedication of the first Little Free Library built by Pioneers was October 25, 2015 at the Reading Church.
93.5 man hours, and less than $300.00 to provide our “HUMAN TOUCH” to our three communities. What a great way to inspire children to read and share books.